Hypnosis – Self-esteem

Hypnosis -strengthen your self esteem

Are you tired of having low self-esteem? Welcome to hypnosis in Stockholm (or online) and we will go ALL IN to start strengthening your self-esteem quickly and effectively!

As a hypnotist, I have broad competence, good references, strive for quick and LASTING results, and have helped many clients to strengthen their self-esteem with hypnosis. Around 90% of my hypnosis clients only need 2-3 hypnosis sessions to get LASTING results from the hypnosis.

”All our sessions have been awesome, and I feel a thousand times better, have gotten rid of a lot of ailments!” – Georgina Kelly, Stockholm

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Boel Björkenwall - hypnotisör

I work as efficiently as I can when it comes to solving the root causes of the poor self-esteem quickly, methodically, and efficiently. And I meet you with warmth and love, without judging you!

Some common signs of low self-esteem:

  • You compare yourself to others and often feel that you are inferior/less worthy – Or maybe you feel the need to find fault with others in order to get the feeling that you are good enough.
  • You feed yourself with negative thoughts about yourself.
  • It never feels like what you’re doing is good enough (a trigger for burnout!)
  • You hold yourself back in social contexts.
  • You care a lot about what people think about you.
  • No matter how many times you receive compliments about you as a person or about the job that you do – it’s like the words cannot really sink in.
  • You might also be afraid of being exposed as a fraud at work (”Soon they’ll figure out I shouldn’t have been hired in the first place!”)

If you have problems like that, we can often train your subconscious mind to let go of those type of behaviours and stressful feelings with the help of hypnosis! Because they make everyday life unnecessarily stressful. And you deserve better than that!

Having strong self-confidence but weak self-esteem

Those who have strong self-confidence but weak self-esteem are often successful at work and believe in their ability to perform, but still do not feel significant as a person. Or only feels satisfied with himself UNTIL someone else comes into the room who seems to be even more skilled at something. Many people know rationally that they should be happy with themselves and really know that they are just as valuable as everyone else, but the feeling says something else…

Hypnosis - low self esteem

This conflict between what you know is the truth and what you actually feel is the typical sign of a subconscious conflict! That’s why it’s so effective to work in your subconscious directly with hypnosis – and resolve the conflict that creates your low self-esteem right where the problem lies! When the conflict is resolved, you don’t have to fight against your emotions because they start to say the same thing as your common sense.

I have helped many to strengthen their self-esteem with hypnosis.

The background to poor self-esteem

If you are one of those who have low self-esteem, you have at some point learned to start criticizing yourself and feel that you are not good enough.

But you don’t have to be stuck there forever.

Maybe it started with a mean classmate, with unnecessarily critical parents, or maybe with a sibling that you were always compared negatively to? No matter how it started, we can create a better ending to your story with hypnosis!

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The consequence of negative programming

Once the low self-esteem is set, you often spend the rest of your life confirming the negative image you have of yourself and dwelling on those judgmental and demeaning thoughts and feelings about yourself, really quite unnecessarily!

These feelings are usually hard to shake off no matter how much you try to think positively, chant affirmations or do various exercises. There is a conflict between your logical mind (which knows that you really should be able to like yourself and that all people are equally valuable) and your emotions which have decided that you are not good enough. You know how you ”should” think but it doesn’t click. Because the feelings are not on board. The feelings may say that you are worthless, no matter what reason thinks about it and no matter how much you try to think positively about yourself. Emotions simply ignore what you THINK is right.

To break patterns with the help of hypnosis and strengthen self-esteem!

With the help of hypnosis, we break patterns! Via the subconscious mind we say goodbye to ideas about yourself that aren’t helpful to you and hello to the ones you want. We create new and healthier patterns. Patterns, feelings, and behaviours that make you feel good. Together we build a stronger sense of self for you. For real.

Hypnosis - believe in yourself

We do not focus on numbing emotions in the way that is often done with various pills, or with suppressive techniques – because numbing emotions is usually a job that will never be finished. The feelings are suppressed temporarily but will soon come back again as soon as you stop using the technology/tablets.

Here we have a different approach, we deal with the root cause. Together we focus on helping you find yourself again, we strive to find out who you are when nothing is holding you back! We are strengthening you and we listen to what the feelings really are trying to say. And once we have listened at the right level and understood what the emotions are there to teach you, we can usually much more easily refuel joy and build a positive self-image – that stays!

And often it goes surprisingly quickly.
Because we work purposefully and cooperate with the subconscious mind instead of fighting against it.

We all have different journeys to make but 2-3 hypnosis sessions are often enough to turn things around!

Hypnosis - for strengthening your psyche

Read here what a hypnosis client wrote in a letter to me:

”I sought out Boel when, once and for all, I wanted to silence my negative thoughts and troublesome feelings.
After only one hypnosis session with Boel, a lot of good has happened. I feel like new, free, and truly more like myself. A feeling of having waited for the go-ahead to rush off, to create, to plan for things or just do what I feel like right now. All with ease!
I look at my life differently, with greater gratitude and take on new challenges with curiosity and joy! Without a doubt, I am helped and feel that I seriously have the capacity to create great works!”
– Sussie S, Hägersten, Stockholm

Ready to start living a freer life?

It is important that we see each other at least twice, so preferably book two hypnosis visits directly, about 1-2 weeks apart if that is possible. Otherwise longer in between sessions.
For prices and available times, click the green button!

I never guarantee any results, because what we do is a teamwork, but I always do my very best to help my clients and I am goal-oriented and driven.
– I do not judge you but meet you with warmth and love. Here you are safe!
– In addition, as a young person I was bullied, hated myself, was a suicidal quiet mouse and compared myself to everything and everyone. So, I also understand from my own experience how a low self-esteem can destroy life.

Book a session if you’re really, really tired of your low self-esteem, and well soon start working on creating a better life for you!
You deserve better than holding yourself back, don’t forget that! 🙂

Read what satisfied hypnosis clients say

Book hypnosis to strengthen your self-esteem, in Stockholm or online, via the button below!

Book hypnosis online no matter if you live in Stockholm, Sweden, England, USA, Spain, Thailand, and so on.

Use Google translate to understand the instructions to make the booking,
OR if that doesn’t work out for you just email me and I will help you out! boel.bjorkenwall@gmail.com